What is coding and what benefits does it bring for future generations?

The benefits of coding and the computing curriculum cannot be understated. The importance of computer programming is becoming ever more imperative as technology continues to advance rapidly.
In recent years, the number of people employed in a coding, programming or developer role has continued to grow. According to recent research from Evans Data Corporation, there are over 27 million developers worldwide; a number that is expected to increase to 45 million by 2030.
But what is coding, why is it taught in schools and what benefits does it bring? Sit back and let us cover all this and more.
What is coding?
At its most basic, coding also known as computer programming, is the process of writing instructions or steps for machines to follow. Put simply, it is how we communicate with computers and tells computers what steps, actions and measures to take.
In your day to day life, you will interact with hundreds, potentially thousands of items that have been programmed or coded to respond to inputs and instructions. The 6am alarm clock in the morning? Programmed with coding. Your mobile phone, tablet and laptop? All programmed with coding. Street lights and traffic lights? Yep, you’ve guessed it, coding.
Coding truly is at the heart of global development and as such has become one of the most desirable skills pupils can learn.
Why should coding be taught in schools?
This study from Harvard University shows that whilst the brain is continuously changing and developing, cognitive functions don’t always remain constant. An example of this is memory and the way it changes.
Typically, children are fast learners. What’s more, it’s often said that children have a natural ability to learn new skills quickly and within no time are adept and have gained new skills. For example, how often do you see children as young as 2 or 3, tapping away and navigating effortlessly on a tablet, whereas older adults might struggle with the very same tasks?
A primary reason behind this is due to age and the simple fact that overtime our ability to encode new information and recall old information changes. Teaching children the basics of coding and programming therefore becomes essential.
It also brings additional benefits such as helping them understand the world around them, think critically and, perhaps most importantly, helps prepare them for the future jobs market.
Teaching coding in the classroom
Coding doesn’t have to just be taught in the computing or ICT lab. In fact there really are no limits on how and where coding can be taught, making it the perfect cross-curricular activity.
For younger children, floor robots such as E.a.R.L can be used to help them count (mathematics), recognise different letters and build words (English) and discover the world (geography).
For older children, resources such as mBot, Ohbot and Tinkerbots can help children carry out real world tasks and develop their computational thinking skills within a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) environment.
At secondary level, students can continue to develop and hone their skills, learning to apply their coding knowledge to programming languages such as Python, Java, etc.
What are the benefits of teaching coding in the classroom?
So we’ve discussed what coding is and why it should be taught in schools. But what are the benefits of teaching it in the classroom?
Firstly, coding can be integrated into every level of a school, from early years and kindergarten settings right through primary, secondary, college and beyond. The potential of coding truly is exponential. As children progress through the school, they can take the basic learnings and concepts and develop their thinking, continuing to apply their knowledge to increasingly complex scenarios and real-world problems.
Speaking of real-world problems, the ability for children to understand a situation, develop a hypothesis and problem solve are becoming increasingly important traits to develop. By bringing everyday examples and scenarios into the classroom, you can help children understand more complex information and develop their practical skills as well as theoretical knowledge.
Coding also helps develop resilience and, in particular, ‘bouncebackability’, the skill of being able to quickly recover from a setback. More recently, this has been described as developing a Growth Mindset. Coined by Carol Dweck, Growth Mindset is the willingness to take on challenges and view mistakes as opportunities for further growth as opposed to failures.
Failure is inevitable and debugging, the act of discovering and solving problems within algorithms and programs, is a vital part of the learning process. Put simply, coding gives children the opportunity to make mistakes and try to fix them without fear of consequence.
A further benefit to teaching coding is its ability to encourage children to think creatively. When a child learns to code, they are in control of the inputs and decisions. Thinking back to E.a.R.L and Ohbot, in those examples children can program the route E.a.R.L takes or the expressions Ohbot makes. Yes, teachers can give guidance and basic instructions, but once they have mastered the basics, they have total control and complete creative licence.
With the importance of learning coding showing no signs of slowing down, now really is a great time to immerse your students in the coding world.